Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Patriots essay

What is a patriot? A patriot is someone who serves his or her country but, to many words, there is a deeper meaning than a simple definition can show you. People all take the meaning of patriotism differently so, when you twist and bend the meaning enough, you get an end result that isn’t quite patriotism anymore but, ethnocentric. As America grows older, people bend the meaning of words like ‘patriotism’ more and more. So a question arises: does patriotism even still hold its original values or has it been debased beyond meaning?
What is a nation? A nation is the world? Yet, to many people, ethnocentrism has replaced patriotism. The love for their country is still there but, a love or even acceptance of others is not. Patriotism isn’t just confined to a single country. Aren’t all people on Earth our fellow countrymen? Though political borders decide our physical prison they will not decide the fates of our minds. Other denizens of Earth may not think as we do, speak as we do, they may not even like our ways of life but is killing and discriminating against others really what America stands for or was built upon?
What is a patriot? If you need to have meaningful definitions of the word then find anyone who devotes themselves to their country and their fellow man. Though the word ‘patriot’ is always flexible, will always bend to your will, a real patriot will not. A real patriot will stand by what he believes in right rather than conform to the will of someone who has no morals. Patriotism is a part of much deeper feelings. Some that has not even been put to words yet. When loyalties go that deep even the greatest wordsmith cannot bend them. For those feelings and emotions are not in his heart and mind and if they are, they are only on the surface. A true patriot is a person who respects all others. A person matters.


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